
Embrace change. Your future awaits

How embracing change has guided Assurity’s future and how it will guide yours too.

Garth Hamilton

Garth Hamilton CEO Follow me: Linkedin

Embrace change. Your future awaits

Date: 26 August 2018

CEO Garth Hamilton talks about how embracing change has guided Assurity’s future and how it will guide yours too.

Just over 13 years ago, Darren and I saw an opportunity to help New Zealand companies get better outcomes from their software projects. We set up Assurity to help organisations work with their software suppliers and internal software teams to deliver value faster and at higher quality.

We didn’t know how the market would react because this was a new offering in New Zealand, but we were passionate about the benefits we could bring. Reflecting back on our journey, we realise we did the right thing. Today, we have more than 260 equally passionate colleagues engaged with a ‘who’s who’ list of clients across New Zealand.

Our growth over those years has come from a single-minded focus on improving delivery in any way we can, up and down the SDLC, across the technology environment and into the wider business. We’ve brought a number of new approaches to our clients aimed at improving…

  • Software quality
  • Software development processes
  • Team culture and engagement
  • Software deployment
  • And recently, how to surprise and delight customers through innovation

We have helped our clients with these challenges through a mix of consulting, education, coaching and hands-on delivery. Our belief has always been to transfer knowledge and embed new ideas and processes so that improvement can be sustained.

Today, we live in an exciting period of accelerating, technology-led change that’s moving us from a ‘scarcity economy’ to the economics of abundance. Digital is shrinking the world to a single global market where the number of connected people will double over the next few years. And digital is converging with rapid growth in Nanotechnology, Robotics, Genetics and Artificial Intelligence.

This exponential change affects every organisation and every individual. If organisations cannot respond to the changing needs and desires of those individuals, they’ll risk becoming irrelevant. Jack Welch puts it this simply: ‘If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside, the end is near.’

It’s a call to arms for every organisation. And it’s for this reason that Assurity’s purpose is “Accelerating the benefits of change to realise a better future for New Zealand”.

The accelerating rate of change puts New Zealand businesses under increasing pressure to adapt at faster rates, and in competition with global players. We aim to help organisations embrace the benefits that change offers to give them the best opportunity to survive and thrive.

The ways we look to help our clients is encapsulated in another Jack Welch quote:

“There are only two sources of competitive advantage: the ability to learn more about our customers faster than the competition and the ability to turn that learning into action faster than the competition.”

To embrace faster rates of change and achieve growth, an organisation requires new approaches to learn about their customers and turn these learnings into action.  We help solve these executive level challenges by:


Turning the most demanding business problems into unique products that create extraordinary value for customers

Modernising Technology

Changing the role of IT to enable digital business through continuous, end-to-end modernisation of the technology environment

New Ways of Working

Developing high-performance cultures that make the organisation more responsive and adaptive to change

Our 13 years’ experience improving the software delivery and technology has provided us with the insights and skills to help New Zealand organisations solve the challenges of technology change. By embracing the benefits of change, we can help you build a sustainably competitive global businesses. This is what we do and why we’re here.

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