Business analysis starts with accurate, perceptive insights

Assurity Consulting’s Business Analysis team identifies and eliminates operational inefficiencies in your organisation. Process inefficiency is insidious, with suboptimal business processes routinely starting out as temporary workarounds which keep things moving, but quickly become entrenched roadblocks hampering effective operational flow.

Assurity Consulting delivers Business Analysis services as defined products, setting expectations and accelerating the delivery of software development and other projects with proven, repeatable frameworks tackling business challenges.

The Assurity Consulting Difference

Committed to quality, Assurity consultants work to best practice standards in all engagements, resulting in consistent and predictable value creation. Basic principles include upfront plans, regular status reports and exit recommendations, a traceability matrix showing full end-to-end value chains, Jira or Azure DevOps for requirements management, Business Process Model and Notation standards, and Institute of Lean Management investment canvas.

Our Approach

Assurity Consulting starts with Business Analysis. We work with you, gaining a complete understanding of your organisation and its processes, identifying opportunities for improvement. Then we offer a complete set of tools and solutions for ensuring operational excellence and the delivery of lasting value. Across all we do, Assurity Consulting applies lean approaches and agile methodologies, achieving rapid outcomes for your business.

Our Approach

Strategic and Enterprise Analysis

Too many projects fail because of poorly articulated problems and a lack of understanding of success factors. Strategic and Enterprise Business Analysis precedes every project, validating core assumptions and assessing solution viability. This independent review gives confidence to business stakeholders, cataloging potential gaps in strategy.
Highly skilled in distilling problems and benefits by using Lean BA methodologies, Assurity’s Senior Consultants bring neutrality and confidence in challenging assumptions with senior stakeholders.

Business Case Production

The business case is a crucial document describing the problem a new initiative sets out to solve with a proposed scope of the programme, product or project with estimated costs, timelines, and benefits. Organisations can find business case design difficult. In the absence of independent challenge can result in wayward time, cost and quality assumptions.
Our senior Enterprise Analysts offer extensive experience developing business cases across the public and private sector which result in proven outcomes. We develop comprehensive business cases for formal governance processes, and provide the business case as a one-page lean canvas/ILM for high-level communication. This process leans into the Better Business Case Process.

Tender As a Service

Tender as a Service helps you create and issue a comprehensive and accurate procurement tender. Tender as a Service covers the definition, creation, issuing and evaluation of the responses (whether RFP, RFI, RFQ or other forms).
Assurity’s Enterprise Analysts are experienced in private and public procurement, offering a collection of standard and custom templates suitable for any tender type. Assurity offers a vendor response rating methodology suitable for incorporation with any tender document. 

High Level Requirements & Epics

High-Level Requirements and Epics distil project purpose, scope and define high-level requirements for the business, key stakeholders, or customers. 
Assurity’s Enterprise Analysts engage effectively with stakeholders, comprehensively scoping projects and setting up the delivery phase for success. We create testable and traceable epics mapped to business objectives, initiatives or themes. Our value dashboards outline stakeholder priorities and relate them to business outcomes. High-level requirement packs outline background, scope, assumptions, process models, and business requirements (Epics) expandable for user story mapping and detailed requirements phases.

Detailed Requirements & User Stories

Detailed Requirements and User Stories describe user/customer interaction with products or services. Stated in the customer’s voice Detailed Requirements can be broken into both functional and nonfunctional requirement areas and must be SMART.
Assurity Enterprise Analysts produce testable, traceable requirements linked via acceptance criteria to test cases, driving quality delivery and maximum value for end customers/users. Value dashboards track progress, with a requirement pack outlining background, scope, assumptions, process models, business requirements (Epics) and non/functional requirements (User Stories) and mock-ups. A requirements traceability matrix can be incorporated into requirement lifecycle management tools (e.g. Jira, Azure Ops).

Process Analysis & Modelling

Improve efficiency and productivity by defining and improving process flows.
Our lean 6-Sigma trained consultants excel with stakeholder engagement, aid decision-making and provide critical data through process dashboards.

Requirements Management & Traceability

Requirements are the building blocks of new capability. Requirements management and traceability helps project teams builds new capability with a clear link between approved plans and reality. Traceability flows across project lifecycle events including backlog refinement, sprint planning, estimation, prioritisation, and elaboration.
Assurity’s consultants use Jira or Azure DevOps for traceability.

BA Capability Development

Improve Business Analysis practitioner capability and build your organisation’s Business Analyst community.
As a trusted national training provider, Assurity Consulting offers a proven capability uplift track record. We evaluate and adapt to your requirements, delivering custom programmes accelerating your development.

Looking for Business Analysis training?

Jumpstart your Business Analyst career with real-world tips and techniques supporting your success in delivering clear business value. Assurity Consulting’s Lean Business Analysis course gives you a clear understanding of your responsibilities as a Business Analyst (BA), proven approaches to support you in Plan Driven and Change Driven environments, and tips, techniques, and templates to support your success.

Explore Lean Business Analysis training

Meet our team of Business Analysis Consultants
Yvonne Bishop

Yvonne Bishop
National Practice Manager – Business Value

Zoe Newton-Clark

Zoe Newton-Clark
Senior Business Analyst

Padmini Agnihotri

Padmini Agnihotri
Principal Consultant


“That’s a reflection of the value Assurity brings through its experience in working with other organisations going through similar challenges. They know the problems and anticipate them."

Paul Stevens

Head of Shared Services Delivery

AA New Zealand

“…the initial Process Optimisation training engagement proved an ideal introduction to Assurity’s methods and approach. This brought a lot of thinking processes to light and established the right mindset for looking at our delegations. After all, the delegations are about logic; Assurity hasn’t changed the delegations, which stay as they are, but has rather guided the thinking around them to get our organisation away from waste.”

Ben Holland

GM, Transformation, Commercial and Major Project Governance

WSP New Zealand

“The inclusion of Assurity Consulting’s BA skills into the project team eliminated uncertainty and brought the project to a better conclusion. Basically, a great Business Analyst knows what questions to ask, how to be curious, how to challenge and how to expose details, rather than resting on assumptions about how things might work. They play a valuable part in delivering a successful project, no matter how big or small.”

Bevan Scott

Digital Project Manager

Farmlands Co-operative Society

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