
Frozen? Get aligned

‘Frozen’ – the label we give to something that doesn’t do what we want. Like the application that won’t load or the manager who won’t change. Yet, often, what we think is frozen is anything but.

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Frozen? Get aligned

Can you really teach Kiwis to fly?

Having worked in large corporates in New Zealand and overseas, I can’t help wonder if the ‘NZ way of working’ and ‘Business Agility’ are not that different.

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Can you really teach Kiwis to fly?

DevOps Days is set for greater success – and Assurity’s right behind it

As DevOpsDays prepares to celebrate the 10th anniversary of its first-ever conference in Ghent at the end of October, plans for the fourth DevOpsDays in New Zealand are being finalised with Assurity as a Gold Sponsor once again.

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DevOps Days is set for greater success – and Assurity’s right behind it

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