
Start with STIRR

At Assurity, we’re privileged to work with some of New Zealand’s best and brightest organisations and support them on their growth journeys.

Jacob Creech

Jacob Creech Principal Agile Consultant

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Start with STIRR

Date: 26 October 2017

At Assurity, we’re privileged to work with some of New Zealand’s best and brightest organisations and support them on their growth journeys. In the process, we’ve identified common themes that lead to sustainable transformation and growth, rather than a ‘flash in the pan-type’ change.

We’ve created a model to help us understand what increases the likelihood of success for these organisations and identified four key pillars that lead to successful change and growth – Sustainable Transformation, Innovation, Responsiveness and Relevance (STIRR). While each pillar is independently useful, we’ve seen that there’s significantly more value when they’re combined.

In addition, we’re also building an assessment model so organisations can understand their maturity in each of these key areas, benchmark their growth and development, identify the right areas to focus on and develop and evolve a roadmap to increased maturity. Here are some questions and ideas so you can consider how it might help your organisation.

Sustainable Transformation

“There is a big difference between a satisfied customer and a loyal one – never settle for satisfied” Shep Hyken

How do we know we’re building the right thing at the right time? How do we understand what people need from our product or services? And how can we determine whether we’re heading in the right direction to meet our customer need and continue to meet that need over time. Validation is an essential part of ensuring we’re doing the right thing at the right time and doing the right thing well – both critical to success.

In another organisation I worked for, people came to me with numerous ideas for things I could develop but, with a finite amount of time and resource, I had to choose carefully. Instead of building products or services and then discovering if there was a market, I’d validate the idea before I built them, generating revenue to develop that idea – a common method used by start-ups to ensure they’re heading in the right direction and one that’s being successfully adopted by many large enterprises globally. Customers are great at explaining their problems but it’s up to us as experts to build the right solutions to those problems.

Understanding evolving customer need is an ongoing challenge and, rather than making assumptions about what’s right or wrong, spending time to observe customers and understand their problems or challenges can help craft solutions much more relevant to their needs.

Now what?

When all of this is put together, we believe truly amazing things can and do happen. The key test for you is what are you doing in these areas to deliver and improve, now and in the future?

Want to know more? Talk to us about a STIRR assessment for your organisation. Let’s build that future together.

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