Date: 18 August 2020
New role sees Steve Griffin developing strategic relationships with public and enterprise sectors in Wellington.
Assurity Consulting aims to strengthen its coverage in the Wellington region by bringing on-board IT veteran Steve Griffin as its strategic Business Development Manager.
This new role sees Steve expanding Assurity’s footprint in the public and enterprise sectors in Wellington.
Assurity was recently revealed as one of Inland Revenue’s top three major suppliers and counts government agencies like EPL, Stats NZ and NZQA as some of their key clients in the public sector. “Wellington is our biggest territory and continues to be a critical region for Assurity. We plan to bring our capabilities to more government agencies, drawing on our extensive All of Government (AoG) knowledge and a proven track record in designing and delivering complex strategy and technology services to the enterprise sector,” says Garth Hamilton, CEO, Assurity.
“We’re delighted to have Steve as part of our Wellington management team and look forward to him helping us accelerate our growth plan. Steve is a very well-respected IT veteran with extensive experience and connections in both the public and enterprise sectors and brings trusted and seasoned advisory skills to help our clients thrive in a constantly-evolving digital world,” says Grant Robinson, GM, Wellington, Assurity.
Steve was recently the Country Manager of Unisys (New Zealand) Ltd. He has worked in senior executive roles in both Hewlett Packard and EDS specialising in Service Delivery, Consultancy and Sales, particularly with government clients. He is also an associate lecturer at Victoria University specialising in leadership and programme/project governance.